A Tribute to the Female Football Fan Nation!!

Women Rock!! According to the Professional Football Hall of Fame, Women are rapidly becoming just as prominent fans and watchers of football as men. Yay! As for myself, I know that I've always been a Cleveland Browns fan, but in recent years have gotten more into watching the games and more into the sport itself. In the past month I have attended two of their pre-season games (against the Lions and Titans - and won both, thank you...) and enjoyed every moment of it.

Watching football doesn't have to be something that I do with my Dad on Sunday/Monday anymore. I can do it in my own living room by myself. (Although, it was amazing to be able to go see the Browns take on the Titans with my Dad this past weekend, and I will always choose to watch anything with him than by myself - but seeing as he lives over an hour away, it's just not feasible.) There are loads of blogs out there by women who are fans of football and not afraid to write about it.

Personal story: I have this friend. We'll call her.....Liz. :) She's awesome. She's also a HUGE Indianapolis Colts fan. I mean HUGE. So. She and I went to the Hall of Fame weekend when they inducted the 2009 class (awesome weekend!!) and watched the Titans play the Bills. We also enjoyed the free scrimmage at Cleveland Browns Stadium. She and I have another friend who we will call.....Jess. :) She is a biiiiiiiiiiiig fan of the Dallas Cowboys. We all three like three different teams - yet we respect the love for each team that we all hold. We've come to respect these teams for our own reasons, and those reasons we hold for ourselves have caused the rest of us to respect those teams as well. I have a high regard for both the Colts and the Cowboys because these women have shown me why they love these teams. They, in turn, have developed a respect for my Browns because I have explained to them why I love them (and the fact that I am not a fair weather fan), if you can be a fan of a team that doesn't exist? You are a true fan. So, together, the three of us: Liz, Jess & Myself have created what we call (to ourselves) the FFFN (Female Football Fan Nation). It expands to include other female friends who are football fans (and females) as well, but we are the charter members, and darned proud of it.

So keep cheering, ladies! Keep wearing the colours of your team and shouting (or barking, if you're a Browns fan) for your boys to bring it home. You're not alone! :)

(PS: I'm also a big baseball, rugby, soccer (aka football) and hockey fan. I enjoy sports, in general, but being the beginning of the (American) football season, felt it necessary to dedicate an entry to the glorious sport. I also refuse to wear pink sports gear. I wear the colours of the team. I think that the obsessiveness of associating girls with pink is gross, but that's just my feminist side... ;))


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